The Layered Fossil Ledges of Drummond Island, Michigan
Up on the furthest eastern edge of the upper peninsula, right next to the Canadian border, lies Drummond Island. On the north shore are the prehistoric fossilized remains of salt water coral…..a whole bed’s worth. These are the island’s famous “Fossil Ledges”, a place not many Michiganders visit or even know about.
The best way to get to the ledges is by boat or kayak; even so, it’s still quite a journey, navigating around the island to get there. Otherwise, you’ll need a heckuva good off-road vehicle. Best on-land modes of transportation would be a 4-wheel drive or mountain bike. Otherwise, you can park at Arnold’s Landing Resort and hike seven-and-a-half miles to the ledges. Keep in mind: by hiking you may run into bears and swamp areas.
These rock ledges are layered like steps, going out into the water, where some people enjoy a quick swim; but be warned, there is a 69-foot drop so keep an eye on your pets and kids. Thousands & thousands of animal and plant fossils are there for your inspection, amazement, perusal, and enjoyment. Taking chunks of these ancient relics are discouraged, so please adhere to their wishes and simply enjoy the fossils, take plenty of photos & video, and don’t take any home; or if you do, keep them small and minimal.
You can get exact directions on the Drummond Island site by CLICKING HERE.
Check out the photos below...if they whet your appetite, then by all means visit sometime this year!
Abandoned Neighborhood on North Bass Island
A Few Things Found on Round Island
The Remains of Deserted Houses on Apple Island