The Ghost of the Nahma Inn: Delta County, Michigan
Ever hear of Nahma, Michigan?
Unless you're from around there, chances are you haven't. You'll find it nestled in the U.P.'s Delta County, with plenty of old original buildings in town to see.
Nahma (pronounced NAY-ma) is home of another of Michigan's favorite haunted places where you can 'legally' spend the night. The Nahma Inn is supposedly haunted by Nell Flemming, a former kitchen employee. Current and past employees claim her spirit moves kitchen items from place-to-place and dis-organizes things that wind up making it difficult for today's kitchen employees to find things.
Nell's boyfriend Charlie left one day, never to return. However, whatever happened to Charlie, Nell sat by a second-story window and continuously watched for him to return but in vain. She was hopeful that he would come back and take her away but it was not to be...and to this day, she still roams the Inn, looking for lost-love Charlie.
It's not just the kitchen area that experiences things: her room is said to be haunted as well and guests have seen glasses move off tables onto the floor all by themselves in rooms and the lounge.
Take a roadtrip up to Nahma and spend the night...there are plenty of spooky things to do in Michigan and the U.P. holds a wealth of 'em.
The Nahma Inn is located at 13747 Main Street, Nahma, Michigan, in the Upper Peninsula. Find out more by CLICKING HERE.
Have fun and I hope you experience some spooky stuff....
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