The Grounds and Tunnels of the Abandoned Cement Factory: Bellevue, Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
I've shown you pictures of the old Prestolite Factory ruins in Bellevue before, but now here is a new batch with many different shots and angles.
To recap what went down before:
The Burt Portland Cement Company in Bellevue was owned by Wellington R. Burt and his son George from Saginaw. Wellington bought the land in 1903 and constructed the factory in 1904, especially for George to manage.

Wellington was the eighth richest man in the world, with a worth of an estimated 90 million dollars. By 1906 the factory was operating at full capacity. It went on to become one of the largest in Michigan.
Wellington made it known to the whole Burt family that he was so very happy that he could do this for his son. Five years later, Wellington passed away on March 2, 1919 at the age of 87. Even though the cement plant did amazingly well, it suffered from bankruptcy and ended up closing down in 1928. The plant was never torn down and just left sitting to rot over the next nine decades. The old ruins still stand, hidden among the brush, weeds, and trees on the southwest corner of Bellevue.
The gallery below takes you into some of the tunnels and some shots in the woodsy area where the old ruins sit in wait. There are many things to watch out for here: debris, garbage, holes, poison ivy, rats, sharp shards of material that could rip your skin off, and many things that could collapse without notice. Again - always get permission to explore abandoned sites.
More Photos of the Abandoned Cement Factory, Bellevue
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