I'd like to say that getting behind the wheel and navigating Michigan's roads isn't a stressful activity, but if you've spent any time driving in the Mitten State, you know this isn't true. But, when compared to other states, how do we stack up in WalletHub's 2025 Best and Worst States to Drive In Rankings? About where you'd think.

Driving in Michigan should be a sport. The wealth of possible events is endless: there's the "Pothole Slalom," the "I-94 Sprint," the "Michigan Turn Ralley," and the "Orange Barrel Grand Prix," just to name a few.

Calculating WalletHub's 2025 Best and Worst States to Drive In

A road map of Michigan is seen overlaid with pictures of bad drivers: Upper Left: A driver explains himself to a police officer during a traffic stop. Upper Right: a man texts while driving. Lower Left: a driver holds the steering wheel while bracing for a crash Lower Right: a mangled car sits on the side of the road

WalletHub used 31 different metrics to rank the 50 states on drivability and safety. They also took things like the average gas price, insurance premiums, and access and affordability of maintenance.

A pair of bad drivers on both the left and right with WALLETHUB'S 2025 BEST ADN WORST STATES TO DRIVE IN RANKING KEEP SCROLLING written in between

Traffic, weather conditions, average commute time, and road quality were also heavily weighted considerations. This last one may explain why Michigan did so poorly in the 2025 rankings.

Safety is Key On Michigan Roads

A road map of Michigan is seen overlaid with pictures of bad drivers: Upper Left: A driver explains himself to a police officer during a traffic stop. Upper Right: a man texts while driving. Lower Left: a driver holds the steering wheel while bracing for a crash Lower Right: a mangled car sits on the side of the road

We all know that Michigan's roads could be improved, and more money could be poured into the infrastructure. However, that money won't change other drivers. I'm not sure about you, but that's my biggest gripe about driving in the Great Lakes State.

The good news? Michigan isn't the worst state in America to drive in according to WalletHubs 2025 Best and Worst States to Drive In, but it's working its way there faster than we'd all like.

WalletHub's 2025 Best and Worst States to Drive In

Traffic, other drivers, road conditions, weather. These are just a few factors WalletHub considered (31 metrics in all) when ranking the United States for drivability. For full methodology, see the link in America's worst state to hit the road. Let's countdown to the state that makes life on the road most difficult. Here's WalletHub's 2025 Best and Worst States to Drive In

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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