The Marblehead Steps of Drummond Island, Michigan
Got adventure in yer system? Then you may wanna take a roadtrip to Drummond Island’s Marblehead. Yes, you heard right…a roadtrip to the island. A ferry will take you & your vehicle over.
If you just want to drive around the main roads, fine. Any vehicle will do. But if you want to visit Marblehead, ya better have a 4-wheeler. The island has 76 miles of off-road vehicle trails, and the Marblehead steps play a huge part. Jeep owners congregate at the steps for some four-wheelin’ up the rocky steps (SEE PHOTOS BELOW)…some make it up, others don’t.
Marblehead is on the furthest eastern point of the island. The Lake Huron view from the top of the cliffs is breathtaking…and I very rarely use that word. The cliffs are a part of the Niagara Escarpment, of which Niagara Falls are a part.
No four-wheeler? Then take a mountain bike and get as far as you can with it. Check it out this year!
Also, check out the Fossil Ledges on the island. Find out more about 'em HERE.
The Ledges of Grand Ledge
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