What Your Halloween Decorating Style Says About You
It is finally fall which means those of us who have had our autumn decor out already for about a month now can finally stop hearing "it's not even fall yet!"
We also can now put up our Halloween decorations without ridicule for being earlier than socially "acceptable."
Maybe you're like me where it is all about the smaller details and subtlety or maybe you are like that one house in your neighborhood who started putting together their elaborate Halloween display in the middle of July because they have a reputation to uphold.
Halloween is such a fun time because, at least to me, it marks the time of year where more of your holiday decorating is done with fun, outdoor displays.
It's a time to really let your creativity shine and show what you are all about.
Now, with the internet, Pinterest, and a plethora of places to choose from to purchase your décor, it is easier than ever to put together a display that not only gets people in the "spooky spirit" but lets them know what you are really all about.
Here are what six of the most common Halloween decorating styles says to your neighbors and passers-by about you and your personality.
What Your Halloween Decorations Say About You
While Halloween 2020 may look a bit different this year, that still should not stop us from getting in on the spooky fun.
We have more time than ever to put together something that truly shows off your style, no matter what that is!
That is what is so great about people who decorate for Halloween, they are the type of people to see someone else's decorations and appreciate it, even if it's not something they would choose for themselves.
Happy decorating, friends!