Some Celebrities Started the Conversation so Just How Often Should You Shower
Blame celebrities and their podcasts for starting this conversation. Dax Sheppard, the host of the podcast "Armchair Expert", had actors Mila Kunis and husband Ashton Kutcher, and their interview sort of started the 'to shower or not' conversation.
During the podcast, the question of bathing came up and the two explained their rather relaxed attitude towards their hygiene and their children's as well. Kutcher said that he will wash his pits and crotch on a daily basis but nothing else ever. The actor also said that when it comes to his kids he said "If you can see dirt on them, clean 'em, otherwise there's no point."
Sheppard is married to actress Kristin Bell and the two of them also have a relaxed attitude toward bath time for their kids. Sheppard said when they were first parents it was bath time every night, but after a while, the couple realized it wasn't necessary for their family so Dax said they sort of took the foot off the gas. Kristin Bell says now they wait for the stink before they give the kids a bath.
The relaxed bath attitude is not just for kids, Actor Jake Gyllenhaal told Vanity Fair that he finds bathing "less necessary."
Some Doctors agree and say that generally most people only really need to take a few showers a week. Taking a long hot shower or bath can strip your body of the natural oils from what is called your skin's outer layer that keeps moisture in and allergens out.
Lifestyle also has a lot to do with your showering habits. If you work out or live in a warm climate then daily showering is a good thing. Actor Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson has said that he showers 3 times a day.
When I was growing up a daily bath was not a thing. When my kids were young, luckily we had a pool, so we referred to it as a pool bath. Either way, everyone seemed to turn out okay.