HAUNTED MICHIGAN: The Wandering Spirits of an Old TB Sanatorium
The grounds of the old Morgan Heights Sanatorium (also known as Acocks Medical Center) in Marquette are said to be haunted.
Down Acocks Drive, off County Road 492, sits two brick structures, all that's left of the old sanatorium. The old nurses's quarters is now a residence, who's inhabitants definitely feel there is something otherworldly going on.
The main building, now demolished, opened in 1911, and was the only TB clinic near Marquette. Not 50 years later, it was closed, thanks to its lack of the necessary updated medical equipment. Patients had been given wrong treatments, such as electric-shock therapy and unnecessary amounts of morphine concoctions, some of which led to premature deaths. There are supposedly underground tunnels that still exist, leading from the two houses to where the sanatorium once stood
As for the the many entities that still haunt the grounds, one is the spirit of a patient who died due to a tube mistakenly left inside him following surgery. This ghost is said to wear a flannel shirt and has been seen in the basement of one of the remaining brick structures.
Numerous ghost investigators, psychic mediums and media reporters have descended upon the grounds and came away with the conclusion that there is definitely something paranormal goin' on. One psychic claimed to see literally hundreds of apparitions wandering the field in front of the two houses, aimlessly wandering in street clothes and hospital wear, as if in a medically-induced stupor.
As I mentioned, there may still be residents living in one or both of the brick houses, so don't trespass and respect the property. As far as I know, Acocks Drive is public, but you'll have to turn around if you enter - either from private property signs.....or fear.