It's been a tough year for big box stores like Walmart, and frankly, feeling sorry for them is tough. Installing and relying on self-checkouts, a move that was billed as a convenience for you and me, their customers; in reality, the move allowed them to downsize their teams dramatically. Ultimately, it resulted in enormous losses for Walmart. Try $6.5 billion in losses in 2023 alone, according to

$6.5 billion (with a B). I thought it had to be a mistake, but that figure was substantiated by, which assembled the most commonly stolen items from Walmart's list (see below for the Top 10). That figure is up from 2022, which posted a still impressive $6.1 billion theft loss.

How Walmart Loses Billions in 'Shrinkage'

A woman stands at a self checkout kiosk with a speech bubble coming from the screen which reads "DO YOU HAVE ANY ITEMS REMAINING IN YOUR CART?"

Retailers dislike using terms like 'theft,' 'shoplifting,' or 'stealing.' They want to use something that conveys the feeling of loss without criminalizing it. Therefore, financial losses associated with merchandise that leaves a store or warehouse without being paid for is called shrinkage.

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So, that $6.5 billion figure may not be all due to self-checkout theft; in fact, some may not have been stolen by individuals at all. Kiosk Industry reports that organized retail crime thefts are also lumped into that figure. If you're curious about what separates organized retail crime from regular retail crime, Reuters says it's planning, scale, and distribution.

Considering all this, let's examine the ten most commonly stolen items from Walmart in Michigan.

The 10 Most Commonly Stolen Items From Michigan Walmarts recently took a look at what items make up the estimated $12-$18 billion Walmart loses to shoplifters each year. Here are the Top 10 Most Commonly Stolen Items from Walmart in Michigan

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

The Most Deadly 10 Miles of Road in Every State

If you've ever 'white-knuckled' your way through traffic, there's a good chance it happened in one of the United States' 50 worst traffic areas. WorldPopulationReview researched information from Car Insurance Comparison and Elk+Elk Lawfirm and determined which portion of the road had the most fatal crashes between 2000 and 2019. Here's a look at The Most Deadly 10 Miles of Road in Every State.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

The 11 Most Expensive Private High Schools in Michigan

Private School Review recently looked at over 70 private high schools throughout Michigan and the cost of tuition and room and board (if available). Using this data, here are the priciest private schools in the Mitten State.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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