MI Senate Introducing Bill Banning The Banning of Plastic Bags
You didn't read that headline wrong. Michigan State Senator Sue Shink (D-Northfield Township) sponsored the bill that will end the banning of banning plastic bags.
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It took me a minute too, so I'll save you the research. Back in 2016 the then governor Rick Snyder, signed into law a bill that did not allow the regulation of plastic bags or other single-use containers. In other words, it banned the banning of one-off containers.
Fast forward to the present day and the Michigan State Senator is now looking to repeal the ban that banned the banning of plastic bags. Just writing that makes me wonder what Abbot and Costello do with this.
If the bill passes, local ordinances could be created that won't allow for those often hard-to-open bags. Your entire municipality could go the way of Sam's Club and Aldi! Bring your own bags.
Related: Michigan Grocery Store Pick-Up Shopper: I Don't Need All These Bags
I for one am not ready for this. I am still adjusting to scanning and bagging my own groceries.
Plus how many well-intended purchases of eco-friendly tote purchases have I made and each and every time I go to the store what do I forget? The eco-friendly totes. So what do I do? Do I use more gas, turn around, go up three flights of stairs, and come back down with the totes? Or do I press on, and use the plastic bags that I need to lick my finger to open but in the midst of a post-pandemic era, I'm still paranoid about that in public...I press on and lick when I think no one is looking.
I guess if the lawmakers in Lansing decide it's better for the world that we do not use plastic bags, who am I to argue? That said with the money the grocery stores save on bags, they can afford cashiers and baggers!!!!!!!!