Hilariously True Fall Memes Every Michigander Can Relate To
I'm not going to lie to you, I originally wanted this to feature memes specifically about fall in Michigan but that proved to be a bit challenging. So, we're shifting focus and out of all the memes about fall in general, we're looking at ones that we can relate to most in Michigan!

Fall in Michigan
We could go on and on about the real-life fantasy that is fall in Michigan, right?
Sure, Summers get a lot more of the hype because we know that afterwards it's only a matter of time before the snow and cold comes and we are back inside for most of the year.
However, for those of us who find it lucky we get to fully experience all four seasons over the course of the year, there is something special about fall.
See Related: 11 Reasons Why Fall is Michigan's Best Season
Like it, Love it, Laugh at it
While we all love to talk about how beautiful fall is in Michigan, we can still take a step back and be realistic about the parts that either aren't so great or are just plain funny about it.
What better way to do that than with the internet's favorite form of communication, MEMES?
Memes About Fall Every Michigander Can Relate To
CLICK HERE for more memes about the first day of fall, specifically.
Keep Calm and Fall On
How ever you feel about fall, I challenge you to enjoy this one the most out of any fall you have before!
Watch all the movies, drink all the cider, pick all the apples, be the cutest pumpkin in the patch, hike through all the gorgeous colors, whatever you do, do it with the spirit of a Michigan autumn in your heart and then come back and tell me it is not the Mittens best season...you won't be able to.
ALSO SEE: 30 Most Decade-Defining Memes
SEE MORE: Seven Things You Should Add to Your Michigan Fall Bucket List
MORE: Where to Find Cider And Donuts in the Lansing Area
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