You did it. At least, you think you did. You found the ultimate, foolproof Sherlock-Holmes-couldn't-find-it hiding spot. But—you didn't. Burglars in Michigan know right where to go once they've broken into your home to find the "good stuff."

Unless you've installed a secret, subterranean vault that requires a retina scan and a password only your dog knows, Michigan's thieves know where to look.

Michigan Burglars Know Your Hiding Spots

A burglar attempts to open a sliding glass door in the dark while holding a flashlight. An outline of Michigan can be seen in the reflection on the glass over the burglars face.

According to the Michigan State Police (MSP) Criminal Justice Information Center's 2022 Crime in Michigan Annual Report (the latest information available), Michigan residents reported 21,866 burglaries.

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These burglars aren't going to break into your home and then begin wandering aimlessly in search of your valuables. They have one goal: Grab and go. They don't waste time looking through every kitchen cabinet. They know exactly where Michiganders store their valuables, and they check there first.

Michigan Homeowners: Are Your Valuables at Risk

A burglar with a sack over his back, wearing a ski-mask and all black clothing, carrying a laptop computer in the other hand. An outlive of Michigan appears in the upper left hand corner.

If you think you've hidden your cash, jewelry, passports, social security cards—basically everything a criminal needs to ruin your day and steal your identity—you're probably wrong.

RELATED: Jackson, Michigan Mother Finds Man Hiding in Her Attic

Still not convinced? Want to know if your 'sneaky hiding spot' is on the list of 10 places Michigan's burglars look first? Scroll on for the answer.

Secret Spots Burglars Check First When Invading Homes in Michigan

Readers Digest has revealed the 10 spots burglars look first for your valuables. Find out if your precious belongings, money, jewelry, documents, and more are safe from thieves. Here are the 10 Secret Spots Burglars Check First When Invading Homes in Michigan.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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