WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

In the Upper Peninsula, on US-2 east of Manistique is a portion of road called “Old US-2”. On the curve of this road lie the remains of old lime kilns, leftover from the White Marble Lime Company which started in 1889.

The kilns were beneficial in the production of paper and building materials and employed a good number of people up through the 1920s. In 1925, the company changed its name to the Manistique Lime and Stone Company and trotted on until the Great Depression hit in 1929. That was the beginning of the end.

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Since then, the desolation and dark shadows that emanated from the kilns over the years have sparked the imaginations of many locals...bringing on stories and claims of paranormal activities. For over one hundred years, apparitions have been reportedly seen around the kilns. Others could swear they heard distant, echoed conversations among former workers. Dark, shadowy human figures were spotted “dancing in the moonlight”. I can imagine what the kiln shadows look like at dusk. So, yeah...even old kilns can apparently hold their own supernatural stories.

Travelers and vacationers are fortunate that nobody has torn down these historic structures. If you head that way, keep in mind the kilns are on private property so get permission to visit if you can – otherwise, they are very easy to see from the road.

Abandoned Lime Kilns, Manistique


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