Made in Michigan: Jiffy Mixes
Another product proudly made in Michigan is the world-famous Jiffy mix.
Based in Chelsea beginning way back in 1901 when it was called the Chelsea Roller Mill, it's now called the Chelsea Milling Company...they cranked out the very first Jiffy mix in 1930.
Mabel Holmes was the person who created the first Jiffy mix - corn muffin - and, as a selling point, used the phrase "so easy, even a man could do it."
Today, the company churns out over one million boxes a day and is consistently approached by other corporations to sell the business. Company manager Howdy Holmes refuses to sell, wanting to keep it local and says: "I didn't want a 28-year-old brat from Wall Street telling me how to run my company." Isn't that GREAT? I gotta like this guy.
Learn more about this terrific Michigan product and even take a virtual tour of the Jiffy Company at jiffymix.com by CLICKING HERE.