Ingham County Asking Voters to Approve Property Tax Funding
According to the Lansing State Journal, Ingham County voters in March will decide if they want to renew three millages expected to generate $12.4 million in revenue.
If all three pass, a property owner will pay $244.50, based on a $150,000 taxable value. In all, the county's nine voter approved millages cost a person owning a home with a $150,000 taxable value $681 per year.
All Ingham County's millages are based on $1,000 of taxable value.
Here's what owners of a home with a $150,000 taxable value will pay per millage if each passes:
$75 for Potter Park Zoo, $75 for trails and parks and $94.50 for health services.
All three millages on the March ballot are renewals.
Voters in 2016 approved the Potter Park Zoo and trails and parks millages. The health care services millage was last renewed in 2015.
The Potter Park Zoo millage for example, pays for improvements to zoo facilities. Upgrades to zoo buildings, demolition of a moat and regular building maintenance are needed to maintain Association of Zoos and Aquariums accreditation.
For information on what the trails and parks millage pays for and what the health services millage pays for, just click on the above link.

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