Lansing Garage Band Rock, 1960’s
Three years ago this month, the City Pulse printed an article on Lansing's Rock 'n Roll music scene of the 1960's. It mentioned so many of the area's favorite garage bands: The Woolies, The Ones, The Plagues, The Ferraris, the Saharas, Tonto & The Renegades and The Beaux Jens; the local TV show "Swing Lively," the Hullaballoo Club, The Incline Club, and loads of information on what it was like during that incredible influx of local bands that cropped up in the wave of 1964's Beatlemania.
The Woolies had the biggest national hit to come out of the Lansing area with "Who Do You Love" and Danny Hernandez & The Ones had a huge local hit with "You Haven't Seen My Love" (click the above video and listen). Read about these bands and more in this classic article by CLICKING HERE. It's a great read!