Are Pizza Boxes Accepted in Michigan’s Recycling Bins?
Sometimes things can get a little confusing regarding Michigan's recycling rules. A lot of people throw things into their recycling bins that they're clearly not supposed to.
The most confusing rule of all is whether or not you can put empty pizza boxes in the recycling bin. It's only confusing to those who never actually looked into it.
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Most people finish eating their pizza and toss their box into the recycling bin without giving it a second thought.
Can You Toss Your Pizza Box in a Recycling Bin?
The answer is yes...and no. Now you're really confused, right?
Yes, you can throw your empty pizza boxes into your recycling bin as long as there isn't a bunch of food and grease in the box. If there's dried-up cheese that's stuck to the cardboard and the box looks like it's been soaking in grease, just toss it in the garbage.
However, you can rip the top of the box off and throw that part in the recycle bin if you're determined to save the planet.
Pizza boxes are tricky! Grease and leftover cheese on the bottom of the box typically make for poor-quality recycled material, so it’s best to throw away the contaminated bottom. The top half or lid of a pizza box, however, is usually grease and food free – tear it off and add it to your recycling.
Personally, I find it easier to just throw the box in the garbage. I rarely get a pizza box that isn't covered in grease and cheese. Trust me, I'm not complaining.