ABANDONED MICHIGAN: Three Old Dilapidated Houses in Manton
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
The town of Manton, named after early settler George Manton, sits in Wexford County approximately 12 miles north of Cadillac. It began in 1872 called ‘Cedar Creek’ but changed to ‘Manton’ after the railroad was laid.
The town’s history includes the infamous “Battle of Manton”. According to its Historical Marker, “In April 1882......after the election a sheriff's posse left Cadillac for Manton by special train to seize the county records. An angry crowd confronted the Cadillac men and drove them out of town. Collecting several hundred lumbermen, a supply of whiskey and a brass band, the sheriff returned to demand the records. Manton residents barricaded the courthouse, but the posse broke through doors and windows, seized the documents, and returned to Cadillac.”
Manton is an interesting Michigan small town to visit: for its history and small town atmosphere. There seems to be a handful of old abandoned homes and shacks scattered throughout the countryside, as the photos below show. Pictured are three such structures, with one appearing to have been occupied by squatters at one time.
I DO NOT condone entering these type of structures, as they can be extremely dangerous: rotten floors, rusty nails, rattlesnakes, and who knows what else…..besides, they could be private property.
So enjoy the pictures below of three old houses near Manton, drive thru the town sometime, and take advantage of one or two Mom & Pop shops in town.
Old One-Room Schoolhouses & High Schools
Abandoned Calumet Radar Base
Abandoned Stone Building in Bay Shore
Abandoned Blaine Street Synagogue, Detroit
The Quasi-Ghost Town of Pinchtown
Thanx to Ruin Road for the pix and video
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