Abandoned Unknown Island on Lake Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Heed the warning.
But will it do any good? The videographer who took these images is not revealing where in Lake Michigan this particular island is. Is it a charted or uncharted island?
Looking at the images, it does indeed look like someone attempted to make a home or summer home on the island and just up and left stuff behind.

There is a foundation that looks like there may have been a home or cabin, along with a makeshift toilet in the woods, fire pit, picnic table, molding lawn chairs, a couple of canoes...even a crumbling, hand-made sidewalk.
I can see why someone would want to use this island as a getaway: very woodsy, great views of the lake, quiet, peaceful...and no people. But for what reason the person or persons just decided to vacate the property, who knows. Unless they were there illegally, which is a strong likelihood.
Have a look-see for yourself.
Anyone recognize this mystery island on Lake Michigan?
(Images by PB Saltman.)
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