Abandoned Farm in Southern Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Somewhere in southern Michigan sits an old abandoned farm with an equally deserted motor boat. Looking at both, it’s obvious the house is much older than the boat.
The exact location is undisclosed by the videographer, which is fine (and smart), but it appears to be not far from the Michigan/Indiana border. The person who took the footage was coming into Michigan from Chicago.

It’s an interesting look at the house, the barn and the corn crib…but to the recorder’s credit, he did not enter or break into the house to get images. He respected the fact that it was still probably owned. And looking at the lawn, which seems to be mowed, that is a safe assumption.
All the structures on this farm could very well be from the late 1800s, specifically the farmhouse which looks like it could be much older than the other structures. The barn and corn crib are wide open with doors missing, so getting shots from inside these were not a problem. Lots of farm implements still lie in the barn.
The barn had a faded, printed saying on the front that seems to read “Men can take your life, but the Lord takes your soul” (at least, that's what I'm guessing). Take a look and see if that’s what it looks like to you.
Even more curious are the three crosses on top of the hill behind the house. Were they put there as a memorial to deceased family members or were they erected as a religious statement?
Have a look at the images in the gallery below!
Abandoned Farmhouse (with Boat), Southern Michigan
Abandoned Huron Bay Lodge, Baraga County
Abandoned Cabin in the Woods, Mio
Abandoned Farmhouse Near Tecumseh
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