Inside an Abandoned House in a Detroit ‘Hood
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
There’s a reason why you usually see warnings when it comes to places like this. As soon as you step inside the front door, you’ll see. If you don’t watch where you’re going, you’ll fall straight through.
The house isn’t just simply rotting and had been burned, very likely by an arsonist. If you use your imagination, you can tell that at one time – many, many years ago – this was actually a pretty decent-looking home, as many houses of this type were built in varying Detroit neighborhoods many, many decades ago.
Aside from things being stolen from the inside, even the siding has been ripped off the house by looters. Looking around back, it looks like the house may have been a tri-level home with three living quarters; either that, or the bottom floor was a basement.
I gotta hand it to the videographer, he has guts. His narration reveals his trepidation about going into these places, not just because of the dangerous conditions, but for the chances of running into someone who doesn’t want you on their turf or for one reason or another.
So come on along inside from the safety of your own computer or phone, and be glad someone else records these images so we don’t have to...
Abandoned House in a Detroit 'Hood