Abandoned Manufacturing Factory: Detroit, Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
It was known as different variations of All Star, All-Star, Manufacturing, MFG, and Industries. This old factory has been sitting here rotting since 1992...at least, that's what I believe - there's a calendar still on the wall that is dated February 1992, so I'm assuming that's when it shut down for good.
This old structure sits beside some railroad tracks and has the number “6455” on the wall...is that the address? The videographer does not tell us where this place is, other than it is in Detroit.
It's an interesting explore, but not much machinery around. There's a lot of crumbling walls, cinder blocks, discarded tires, an old boat, surrounding overgrowth, graffiti...it's practically emptied out of anything valuable.
The gallery below gives you a short tour of this abandoned, decades-old manufacturing factory...
Abandoned All-Star Manufacturing, Detroit