50 Scary Records to Listen to On Halloween
There may not be another state in the U.S. whose inhabitants enjoy Halloween as much as we Michiganders do. What are things that we dig the most about Halloween?
Horror & Monster Movies
Spook Houses
Corn Mazes
Dressing Up
Free Candy
Getting Scared
Looking for Paranormal Activity
All well and good, but don’t forget one of Halloween’s staples: SCARY MUSIC.
You know all the usual songs you hear EVERY Halloween: “Thriller”, “Ghostbusters”, “Monster Mash”..…you know, the same old cliché songs.
Well, here are some records that just might be a little rarer to find. Decades ago, many Michigan kids - myself included - would head down to the local drug store, sweet shop, or book store and buy comic books and monster magazines. Many of the records shown below were found in the back page ads of those periodicals…..and the kids ate ‘em up!
Below is a gallery of approximately 50 of those old, creepy, funny, and unique records from over the past 60 years. Creepy music, scary movie soundtracks, old scary radio shows, novelties, and others that are just plain fun to listen to on Halloween night!
Very campy stuff.....but irresistable!
Do you have any of these?
Do your parents?
Or GRANDparents?
Many of these are highly-sought collector’s items.
Take a look below!