Will You Get Another Stimulus Check?
First of all I would like to point out that I never even got my first stimulus check. What the heck Government.
Right now a bill is moving through the house and senate that would allow for a second round of stimulus checks. The IRS has already sent out 140 million payments to eligible U.S. residents to help those during the financial fall out that was caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus.
Will there be another round of checks this year? That is the message many are asking. Here is what we have so far. A new relief act has been proposed, however there is no guarantee it will go through all the levels of government that it will need for passage.
Economists are warning of the possibility of a deep global recession that the International Monetary Fund and others say could become worst than the Great Depression.
The new proposal for a second round of stimulus checks comes as the IRS continues to send the first round of stimulus checks as part of the initial COVID-19 relief package.
If you, like me, are still waiting for your first check , you can actually track your stimulus checks with the IRS, or you can even use a free UPS's service to see when your check is in the mail.
I will keep my fingers crossed and run to the mailbox everyday in hope that I get my FIRST stimulus check.

MORE TO EXPLORE: See the the COVID-19 stimulus bill broken down by the numbers
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