U.S. Census Bureau Giving Homework Assignment
According to the Washington Post.com, the U.S. Census Bureau is giving a homework assignment to school children across the country.
That assignment is to tell your parents to fill out the census form because your school's funding depends on it.
Census officials launched a nationwide program that uses schools to encourage participation in the once per decade head count.
Filling out this important form will determine how much money schools will get from the government for computers, after school activities, meals and other resources.
Counting some 330 million people is the largest peacetime operation undertaken by the federal government. The Census Bureau hires a half million workers, opens about 250 offices and mails out a multitude of forms in English and 12 other languages to more than 130 million households.
The Bureau said census data will shape how $675 billion in federal funding is distributed annually. Please click on the above link for more information.