Townsquare Media Proud to be Partnering with Lansing Lugnuts
Very exciting news to pass along to our WFMK listening audience. Townsquare Media is teaming up with the Lansing Lugnuts for all kinds of baseball fun this spring and summer.
We here at Townsquare Media are excited to bring Lugnuts baseball to our listeners. Not only that, but you can join WFMK at Cooley Law School Stadium for WFMK night on July 29, where we get to meet our WFMK listeners and host the entire evening.
Jesse Goldberg Strassler returns for his ninth season as the Lugnuts play by play broadcaster. Jesse has been doing this since 2009 and does a great job!
Outside of Lansing, fans will be able to tune in for coverage of Lugnuts baseball. Keep listening to 99.1 WFMK for all of the fun for what promises to be an exciting baseball season with Townsquare Media and the Lansing Lugnuts.