The Former Michigan Homes of Ten Celebrities
I never cared for the term “celebrity” – yet that’s how actors, actresses, musicians, etc. are labeled. I prefer ‘personality’, ‘notable’, ‘big shot’, ‘famous person’ or ‘big cheese’.
No matter what they’re called, the public never seems to lose its fascination for their favorites. Some fans go so far as to stalk, dress like, talk like, look like, and buy anything they can that features the face of their favorite.
Another aspect of fandom is finding out where these people live, or have lived. And that is where the following list comes in.
The ten home sites below show where a few of your favorite – or not so favorite – personalities used to live. That’s right…they ain’t there no more. Some of these people have passed, some have moved, but all are interesting enough that we’d like to see where they once lived. So, according to the book "Home in Detroit: Where They Lived... in the Motor City" by T Burton, here we go…..
Former Celebrity Homes in Michigan, Part 1