This Michigan Bakery Makes A Coney Pasty – Road Trip Anyone?This Michigan Bakery Makes A Coney Pasty – Road Trip Anyone?What evil genius chef thought this up and actually made it? Because I wanna hug and squeeze and give them a key to the city.LargeLarge
Travels Through Michigan’s U.P.Travels Through Michigan’s U.P.Just one view of our beautiful state.Monica HarrisMonica Harris
This Yooper Just Freaked Out an Entire Peninsula by Putting Mayonnaise on a PastyThis Yooper Just Freaked Out an Entire Peninsula by Putting Mayonnaise on a PastyGravy on a pasty, yes. Ketchup on as pasty, for sure. Mayo, through? That's certainly cause for an intense debate.Eric MeierEric Meier
These Amazing British Potato Chips Might Taste Just Like a Michigan PastyThese Amazing British Potato Chips Might Taste Just Like a Michigan PastyMichiganders take pride in one of our state's most recognizable foods, the Upper Peninsula's signature pasty. What would you do with a potato chip flavored like one?Eric MeierEric Meier