Summer Projects to Increase the Value of Your Michigan Home
As far as I'm concerned, summer officially begins on Memorial Day weekend, even though it actually begins on June 21. But then again, who's counting?
The first thing I plan on doing, is going to one of my favorite big box stores and buy bags and bags of mulch, along with grass fertilizer, and crates of beautiful flowers.
That's when the fun begins. My wife and I work really hard all summer long making the outside of our house look really good. It's all about curb appeal.

According to treadstonemortgage.com:
Summer is the best time to show off the curb appeal of your home, plus it adds significant value to your home. Ninety-four percent of agents say, that buyers will pay more for a home with great curb appeal.
That is so true if you plan on selling your home in the near future. There are so many things you can do to your home to make it really stand out:
1. Power wash. Very simply to do, just hook up the hose, start it up and away you go with the power washer. It's one of the best things you can do to brighten up the look of your home.
2. New mulch. Every spring and summer, add new mulch to the front yard, side yard, and back yard. Mulch really makes your home pop when it comes to curb appeal. Make sure your mulch choice matches the outside color of your house.
3. Mow the lawn. Mow your lawn every week or every two weeks. Add fertilizer every spring, summer, and fall to enhance the beauty of your lawn.
4. Trim all bushes and trees. We do this every spring and summer. Make sure you trim everything properly and remove all the unnecessary debris.
5. Paint the house or trim if needed. Most likely you're power washer will do the trick, but sometimes you'll need to add a new coat of fresh paint to the exterior of you home and that does include the trim as well.
6. Plant new flowers. Major curb appeal in the spring and summer. Take your time and map out your game plan for all your new flowers.
Those are the 6 things that my wife and I focus on every spring and summer to give our home the best curb appeal possible. Take a look at more summer project tips at treadstonemortgage.com..