Did You Get Spanked in Grade School? Jackson-Area School Photos, 1900-1923
Going to school now sure ain't what it used to be.
Many of us have seen the old movies (like Tom Sawyer) where the schoolmaster would get out a thick stick and beat any unruly or misbehaving student. We sit there and wish we could crawl into the TV set and beat the crap outta that guy. But those punishments were not Hollywood make-believe; those type of punishments really did happen. I was on the receiving end of physical punishments when I was in grade school, so I am a first-hand (or should I say 'first-butt?) witness.
Well, that sure doesn't happen anymore, what with parents ready to sue any faculty member who lays a hand on their precious child. Mind you, some of these kids need discipline, but it's not left up to the teachers anymore.

I can't remember the reason, but I recall my third grade teacher pulling me down onto her lap and spanking me in front of the class. I honestly don't remember what I did that was so terrible. Talking? Chewing gum? Not sitting in my seat? I have no idea, but whatever it was, I'll betcha it wasn't worth a spanking or all the embarrassment.
Not only would kids get beatings, whippings, and spankings, but there were other forms of punishment: staying after school, detention hall, the old wearing of the dunce cap on a stool in the corner, and even making an unruly boy sit with the girls (that was punishment?). I was made to sit with the girls in first grade, but it didn't last long – I was making them laugh and giggle which made the teacher even more angry – so she made me get up in front of the whole class and read a story. That wasn't so bad, seeing as though I was the best reader in class.
The photos below show some old Jackson school photos. If you look closely at some of the students faces, you can get an idea who the good ones were and maybe pick out a troublemaker or two. I found a couple...
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