Someone Made A Pig Of Himself Eating Ice Cream
Yup, someone made a pig out of himself at the Moo-ville Creamery and no, it was not Danny Stewart or my husband David Andrews!
Ben, (first name only like Cher or Adele) has probably had enough ice cream to last himself for quite some time. Ben conquered the MOO-ville pig trough, which was A LOT of ice cream. Here is what he ate: 15 scoops of ice cream with different toppings and the works. He ate it all in 12 minutes and 28 seconds, and he ate it all by himself.
Besides bragging rights, if you eat the whole thing in ONE hour, by yourself, you get a Pig Trough shirt to show off your hard work and healthy appetite.
This reminds me of an ice cream place we used to go to in Flint, Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour. Many birthdays were spent there, and the big thing they had was the Farrell's zoo. They would make this HUGE ice cream concoction, and if you ate the entire thing, you got a pin and ribbon that said "I made a pig of myself at Farrell's."
Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour and sandwich shop opened back in 1963 in Portland Oregon, and the chain stayed in business until 2019.
If you are an ice cream lover and want to give the Moo-vill pig trough a chance, they are open Monday-Saturday 9 AM to 9 PM and will be open on the 4th of July.
If you can be like Ben, finish up the pig trough by yourself in less than an hour, you too will get a cool t-shirt and possibly a stomach ache.