ROADSIDE MICHIGAN: The Bowling Ball Tree in Hulbert
In the wilderness of the Upper Peninsula lies the small unincorporated community of Hulbert. Just south of the town is Highway 28. A quarter mile east of the intersection of Hulbert Rd. and Highway 28 is the Handshake Motel. Standing smack-dab in front of the house is a tree made out of bowling balls.
It's made from steel or iron bars, with the bowling balls representing leaves, set on metal branches. It's one of those Michigan oddities that makes traveling the U.P. even more unique.
Hulbert is in Chippewa County along what used to be the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway. The town has mostly motels and cabins and very little other businesses. Maybe a bar or two and some churches, but not much else, considering there are a good handful of homes there.
So, if you're in the Upper Peninsula this year, drive by and get a shot of the Bowling Ball Tree at the Handshake Motel!
25 Michigan Roadside Oddities
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