Police Shut Down Michigan Gym, Give Owner and Members Citations
There's a lot of things I've missed since the state shut down back in March and going to the gym is pretty high on the list.
Earlier this week police shut down a gym in Lincoln Park after the owners violated Governor Gretchen Whitmer's executive order to remain closed.
According to WXYZ, on Wednesday afternoon, several officers walked inside RTB Gym and told the owner and members they would be receiving citations.
Police issued 21 violations to gym staff and members. Some of those that were ticketed plan on fighting it including the owner.
The owner knew what he was doing and knew he was violating the governor's orders to remain closed, instead, he opened his doors in June and they remained open until police arrived.
Owner Tino Ulicne:
I don't understand. Like, if we take all the right precautions, why can't we open?
He said he had had to open because this was his only means of income.
It's a do or die situation.
I'm sorry but I sympathize with the guy, you come to a point where you no longer have a choice. You can't pay bills if you don't have money coming in. I also understand the importance of shutting things down but if the proper precautions are in place, gyms should be allowed to be open.
It wasn't the first time Lincoln Park police had to issue tickets for violating the governor's orders but it was their first time doing it at a gym.

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