No Expenses Were Spared In This Michigan Waterfront Home
Grab the coffee, a nice book, and kick back and relax.
The only downside about waterfront homes here in Michigan is the max beauty is from Spring to Summer, however, winter can still be pretty if snow is your thing that is.

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Take a look at this 4-million dollar lake home that sits right off Lake St. Clair.
No Expenses Were Spared In This Michigan Waterfront Home
The 4-million dollar home currently sits on Pike Creek, which is right off Lake St. Clair. Take a look inside and marvel over every inch of this Michigan marvel.
The best part about a Michigan lake home is the green that you see the seasons turn. If you're up for the winter snow too, you'll get a view unlike any other.
Plus, this house will do you more good than it could do you wrong honestly.
The home seemed to have more than one master bath too, so you can always just kick your spouse to the next bedroom over...
Abandoned Hoarder House
Michigan Towns that Were Separated At Birth
This House For Sale in Ohio is Perfect for Anyone Who's Okay with Ripping Out Carpet
There are lots of houses that hit the selling market that are "fixer-uppers" or could use a little TLC...but this house for sale in Ohio takes the cake. This house in Ohio is perhaps the most Ohio-est house we've ever seen. It's also the perfect example of the "interesting" decorating choices made by people in the '70's. Check out the pictures of this home, and you'll see why this house is perfect for those looking to do a little DIY.
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