Most Horrible States For Winter
In most of America, winter blows. It's cold, cloudy and unless you can ski everyday, seems to go on forever. Winter makes most people feel like doing nothing, pipes freeze, lips, noses, and cheeks get chapped, and don't even get me started on the Polar vortex.
Snow hats can look super cute, that is until you go indoors and have to take them off. For many of us, our hair looks horrible.
But which state is the MOST horrible? After intense research and debate by a group of friends, probably at a bar, they came up with a list.
Just want to add that Hawaii and Arizona are the top places to live out the winter season.
The top 4 states that are considered by some to be the worst for winter are...
#4 North Dakota—Blizzards, freezing cold temps and, well it doesn't even rate very well in the summer either. Sorry North Dakota.
#3 Alaska—Beautiful, was there this summer. I can not even imagine what winter must be like. Not for the faint at heart.
#2 Michigan—Winter in Michigan begins well before Thanksgiving and stretches past Easter, which makes for four to six wearisome months of gray, cold, drizzly, slushy and did I mention gray skies? Unless you are a winter enthusiast, Michigan winters can seem to go one forever. Yes our winters are unrivaled for their utter lack of sunshine, which is why so many flee to warmer climates for the entire winter or a long vacation.
#1 Minnesota—Ice fishing on any of the hundreds of lakes in the state. Cold and lots of snow, but they do get a bit more sunshine. You do need to like snow if you live in Minnesota, parts of the state see up to 170 inches of snow, and the windchill can get down to -60. Congrats Minnesota, on that alone you win!
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