Here Are Michigan’s Two Locations Named ‘Inspiration Point’…Are There Others?
In the old TV series Happy Days, where did Potsie, Ralph, the Fonz, and Ritchie go to make out (not with each other, but with girls)? The answer: INSPIRATION POINT.
...and if you ever get the urge to take your significant other to your own ‘Inspiration Point’ here in Michigan, you can...we have a couple of them on the west side of the state.
Right at the extreme lower left corner of Benzie County is an Inspiration Point just off M-22 that looks over Lake Michigan. It is also known as the Arcadia Scenic Turnout; just park and take a walk up 120 steps to the top deck and look out over Lake Michigan. Or, when it’s dark, it becomes the perfect spot for some ‘inspiration’ of your own.
There is another Inspiration Point location that doesn’t get as much attention as the one in Benzie, but it still has a cool view...and you don’t have to make the trek up 120 steps. This one is in Leelanau County and looks out over Glen Lake. It’s just off W. MacFarlane Road on Inspiration Point Road, a little turnaround drive; just drive up to the point and gaze out onto the walking necessary!
See images of what these views look like in the gallery below...
Michigan's 'Inspiration Points'
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