Michiganders Ready for Shooting Stars and Fireballs
Thousands of Michiganders look forward to the month of August, because this is the best month to see meteor showers, shooting stars, and even fireballs.
Looking up into the night sky when there's not a single cloud blocking your view can be spectacular.
If you have a super powerful telescope, then sky's the limit. Did you like my play on words?
Seriously, there are many fascinating things to see in the night sky, including stars, constellations, and even bright planets.
I'll be the first one to tell you that I've never seen any shooting stars or fireballs. But I have seen them in movie theaters on the big screen. Does that count?
Coming our way very soon are two meteor showers. Mlive.com has more.
The Delta Aquariids fly roughly from July 18 to August 21, reaching a maximum rate of 20 meteors per hour during their nightly peak around 2 a.m., according to the website Earthsky.org. This meteor shower can be more faint than the Perseids that follow, favoring dark nights and viewing locations in the southern U.S. Nevertheless, because they converge with the more-visible Perseids, they’ll help increase stargazers’ chances of seeing meteors over peak nights in late July and early August.
I think we'll need to get busy and google all this information, because I have no idea what they're talking about.
I'm sure there are some great places here in Michigan for stargazing. I can actually picture Michiganders hanging out at the beach at one of our Great Lakes.
Wouldn't that be the best viewing spot ever? Michigan's Upper Peninsula would be another great spot for stargazing. (michigan.org)
Would you like to know what you actually see during a meteor shower?