It’s Stink Bug Move-In Season Michigan! Here’s How To Keep ’em Out
Ahh, smell that Michigan? Yes, it's time for our smelly, uninvited, unwanted, and undesirable stink bugs to move back into your Michigan abode. And why shouldn't they? You're just asking to be invaded by making it so inviting. You might as well just roll out a tiny insect-sized red carpet with blinking 'ENTER HERE' signs all over your home.
Related: You Told Us: Here Are Michigan's Creepiest Bugs
Here are 5 fairly easy steps you can take to keep them out now, so you won't have to battle them the rest of the season.
1. Seal It Up Michigan!
Any good defense strategy starts by keeping the enemy out. In order to keep stink bugs out, caulk up any points of entry. Those tiny little gaps in your doors, windows, and even vents are giant neon "VACANCY" signs to these little crawlers. Plug up those tiny points of entry and you'll be 1 step ahead of your 6 legged smelly enemy.

2. Make Your Home Uncomfortable for Michigan Stink Bugs, Turn on a Fan
Stink bugs are basic creatures with simple tastes, like a warm and cozy place to rest their antennae. Deprive them of their guilty pleasures and ensure your home is well-ventilated and not too toasty. If you don't already, install an attic fan and play some Artic sounds to keep these heatseaking insects searching elsewhere. Proper ventilation keeps humidity down as well as the likelihood of an infestation. Not sure about the Artic sounds, but it's worth a shot.
3. Your House is Lit Up Like a Stink Bug Party
Because there ain't no party like a stink bug party cause a stink bug party don't stop...until the lights are low. So instead of putting out the Bat Signal for these smelly 6 leggers, try switching to LED bulbs, which are thought to attract fewer bugs. Think of the more subtle lighting as insect camouflage that screams "Nope, no parties here".
4. Feed Me Stink Bugs, Seymour!
This one is fun for the whole family! Seek out a Venus flytrap for your home. They are to your home's stinkbugs what Patrick Swayze was to Roadhouse, and it's time to stop being nice. Bring in your own stink bug bouncer, there are a variety of bug-eating plants, so sit down with the kids and do some shopping.
5. Offer Your Invasive Guest a Stink Bug Spa Package
Stink bugs are a sucker for a warm soapy bath, so why not provide them one! Just place a bowl of soapy water outside where they are entering and BINGO! They'll climb in the water, ponder the mysteries of stink bug life, and they won't be able to find an exit. No one said they were bright, just smelly.
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There you have it, 5 easy ways to evict stink bugs before they move in. Good luck!
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