Why You’ll See Purple Porch Lights in Michigan This Fall
Once the air in Michigan begins to get crisp in the mornings, somewhere in mid to late August (sometimes sooner), and the coffee shops begin selling Pumpkin Spice Lattes and cider, there's a sudden run on hay bales, dried leaves, scented candles, and a slew of other decorations Fall enthusiasts are aching to hang, place, and lean. But don't mistake a purple porch light in October as someone who's celebrating Halloween, but rather as someone showing support for some of our state's bravest and most vulnerable.
Going Purple For National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Michigan
While we may not acknowledge it, domestic violence exists in every community. It's a crime that transcends race, sexual orientation, gender, income, and geography. According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), an average of 20 people are abused by someone they are intimate with every minute in the United States.
Astonishingly, 1 out of every 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been victims of domestic assault, according to the NCTSN's most recent data. Someone you know may be going through this ordeal without anyone having a clue. Getting yourself out of a dangerous situation is often the first and most courageous step. If you need help, click here, call 1-800-799-SAFE(7233), text "START" to 88788, or visit TheHotline.org. If you have immediate concerns for your or your family's safety, call 911.
Why Michigan Porch Lights Glow Purple in October
So, back to the original question: Why will you see purple lights on Michigan front porches this fall? Those who opt to display their support will flip on the violet beacon, shed light, and hopefully spread awareness about domestic violence and its impact on Michigan families and individuals.
RELATED: See A Tree Painted Purple In A Michigan Forest? RUN!
If your neighbor has one on, ask them their story and help to put an end to domestic violence in Michigan. For an in-depth look at domestic assault and violent crime in your town, scroll down through this alphabetical listing of a year in crime in over 400 Michigan towns and cities.
Michigan Crime Watch: Alarming Statistics by City, Part One A-B
Gallery Credit: Scott Clow
Michigan Crime Watch: Alarming Statistics by City, Part Two C-D
Gallery Credit: Scott Clow
Michigan Crime Watch: Alarming Statistics by City, Part Three E-H
Gallery Credit: Scott Clow
Michigan Crime Watch: Alarming Statistics by City, Part Four I-O
Gallery Credit: Scott Clow
Michigan Crime Watch: Alarming Statistics by City, Part Five P-Z
Gallery Credit: Scott Clow