Mayberry Homes Bringing 150 New Houses to Okemos
Here's great news if you live in the Okemos area or are looking to live in Okemos in the foreseeable future.
If you're familiar with Bennett Road in Okemos, there could be the possibility of 150 new houses in that area built by Mayberry Homes.
According to the Lansing State Journal:
This development, named Silverleaf, will join the East Lansing-based homebuilding company's other Meridian Township developments, Copper Creek in Haslett and Silverstone Estates in Okemos.
On a personal note, I've done several live broadcasts over the years from at least a dozen houses built by Mayberry Homes. They are all absolutely beautiful homes.
What I really like about Mayberry Homes is the attention to detail. The work they do is nothing short of perfection.
You can see many houses built by Mayberry Homes during the annual Parade of Homes which is held every year in the Greater Lansing area.
The Lansing State Journal also adds:
The Silverleaf development is close to Bennet Woods Elementary School and publicly people were a little more concerned with how that large number of homes would impact bus travel, walking and students getting to and from school safely, said Amber Clark, neighborhood and economic development director for Meridian Township.
This is still at the planning stage and hopefully something will get started very soon. It seems like there are so many good things happening in the Okemos area.
They're rebuilding the Okemos downtown area, rebuilding the Okemos bridge along Okemos Road, and now there is a good chance we will see 150 new houses being built by Mayberry Homes.