Make Sure Your Home is Safe from Carbon Monoxide
I remember about five years ago when I started my vehicle in the garage and left in running for ten minutes just to warm up the vehicle.
As I was going in and out of the side door attached to the garage, I was letting carbon monoxide into our home and didn't realize it until after all of the alarms went off.
I immediately shut off the engine and than ran back into the house and opened all the windows to release any carbon monoxide gases that were still in our home.

Carbon Monoxide is a deadly odorless, colorless gas which can kill someone very easily. It's quite dangerous to say the least.
One of the most important things you can do is to make sure you have several carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
You should install these detectors in every room of your home including your basement. Fire/carbon monoxide detectors can and will save lives.
According to reviewed.com:
According to the CDC, the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are "headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion." If you begin experiencing these symptoms call 911 and exit your home to avoid further intoxication.
A couple of things that are very important when it comes to keeping your family safe from carbon monoxide poisoning:
1. Make sure you clean your gas dryer on a regular basis. (call a professional if you're not sure what to do)
2. Use your gas stove and oven with caution. Never try to heat your home with your gas stove. Your stove will give off excess carbon monoxide fumes if you keep it running longer than it should.
3. Check your water heater vent. Have a professional check the water heater vent to make sure everything is operating on a safe level.
Always check your carbon monoxide detector at least once a year to make sure it's operating correctly. Change batteries once per year or when needed.
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