If You Knew Your Stylist Had Covid-19, Would You Still Go?
Today is the day!
June 15th.
Barbers, stylists, nail salons can get back at it in Michigan.
On June 15, personal services including hair, massages, and nails will reopen statewide. Though the remaining regions, 1 through 5 and 7, will remain in Phase 4 under today’s executive orders, the governor has said she expects the entire state will advance to Phase 5 in the coming weeks. (Michigan.gov)
Personally, I am thrilled as me and my barber have a date this Friday June 19th. I am nervous like I'm on a first date and I truly want to bring the man a gift for what he's about to do to my head and face. Trust, I need someone with some training to line me up, do something with this beard, and for the love of God help me and these eyebrows out.
I am calling the nail salon today. My toes and talons need attention as well.
I am wondering how the face mask will get in the way of the haircut and beard trim but I digress, bring on the scissors.

But this past weekend, I saw a story that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. And while it has a good ending I guess, it's a little to close to the proverbial fire for me.
Last month, the Springfield-Greene County Health Department alerted the public that two hairstylists had tested positive for the coronavirus, potentially exposing people in the Springfield salon between May 12 and May 20. They both were symptomatic and were wearing face coverings while working, health officials said.
Director of Health Clay Goddard pointed to the "value of masking" to prevent transmission from that exposure. (ABC News)
So a couple of things.
In this time of the pandemic.
And when you go out, there are folks who are not wearing face masks.
We have 2 hair stylists who tested positive, were symptomatic, wore face masks, still went to work, treated clients, and according to news sources didn't get anyone sick.
On hair salon opening day for us here in Michigan, I have a couple of questions.
Are you going to wear your mask?
Are you going to make sure your stylist is wearing theirs?
Are you going to ask them THE QUESTION?
If you knew you stylist/barber/nail technician had tested positive for Covid-19, would you still go and receive their services? Under the condition that they wore a mask and you did too?
MORE: Without Barbershops Being Open - What Country Star Will You Look Like?
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