Inside the Abandoned & Trashed Homer Lanes in Calhoun County, Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
The bowling alley in Homer, Michigan opened in 1963 with great anticipation from the community.
It was originally called 'Meadow Lanes' Meadow Lanes' because, was built out in a field outside of town.
There were quite a few other bowling alleys throughout Michigan that bore the name 'Meadow Lanes' and it became known as 'Homer Lanes' and even 'Crossroads Fun Center' before shutting down around 2018.
What was once a hangout and getaway for teens, buddies, and groups, has sadly given way to the tastes of the 2000s.
The gallery below takes you inside and you can see for yourself how badly trashed it became in just a few years.
Abandoned Homer Lanes Bowling, Homer
Abandoned Fun Country Amusement Park
Grand Traverse Cherries and Abandoned Cherry Weigh Station
Abandoned Farmhouse (with Boat), Southern Michigan