Frontline Workers and Future Workforce in Michigan
You have to admit that COVID-19 has changed the way we live our lives. There are many working people who are grieving the loss of loved ones or teaching their children from home.
According to the Lansing State Journal, Essential workers have been working overtime and risking their lives every day.
And when you take a look at students, their lives and education have drastically changed as well. Things are still just as uncertain as they were when this whole thing started back in March.
"During times of economic uncertainty, attainment of education beyond high school, including post secondary certificates and academic degrees, dramatically increases an individual's economic independence.'(LSJ)
When it comes to college, the first step in a college education is applying. Most public universities have already opened their application process for the 2020-21 academic year.
Many who are looking to apply may not know what to expect from their education next fall. The biggest question here is will the big universities still operate virtually? And what about community colleges?
October is Michigan College Month. And Michigan College Month is part of the American College Application campaign and is organized by MCAN.
MCAN is working to increase college readiness, participation and completion in Michigan.
"And Michigan College Month isn't just for high school students who are looking into their post grad options. Governor Gretchen Whitmer's new Futures for Frontliners Bill program for essential workers, reminds us that college is for everyone."(LSJ)