Expanding Outdoor Seating in East Lansing
With everyone social distancing these days, will it get any easier once the stay home order has been lifted.
Let's be honest, going anywhere is going to be awkward for awhile. Social distancing will continue for quite some time.
According to WILX, most of the East Lansing City Council seemed on board with the idea of expanding outdoor seating to the public by blocking traffic in certain areas of downtown East Lansing.
This will allow patrons of downtown to visit a local restaurant to get take out then have the option to enjoy it in a socially distanced community setting.
Council member Mark Meadows has expressed that if possible he would like to get the proposed idea in motion as soon as possible.
Meadows also said, we really need to do this to support our downtown businesses. There are 3 areas here all which I think will be attractive to individuals coming downtown to enjoy themselves.
East Lansing Mayor Ruth Beier says she is on board with the idea and that it will have many benefits.
City Manager George Lehanas says they are also waiting for Governor Whitmer to give the order that it is okay to be out in the street.
No matter what we all do in the near future, social distancing will be a way of life. That will include trips to the movie theater, restaurants, bars, an outdoor patio, and more.