Drive Safely! Michigan State Police Cracking Down on Speeders Next Week
Just a heads up before your Monday commute, while you're driving next week you might notice more police on the road.
July 12-18 is Operation Safe Driver Week and Michigan State Police will have an increase of traffic enforcement all across the state. In a news release, MSP says they will be cracking down on drivers who are speeding.
According to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, many jurisdictions are seeing a severe spike in speeding.
This is most likely due to less people on the roads because of the pandemic. Therefore, this will be their main focus. They will also be looking for distracted drivers and people who are driving aggressively and/or recklessly.
The objective of Operation Safe Driver Week is to reduce crashes and save lives.
Unsafe driver behavior continues to be the leading cause of crashes.
Michigan State Police is part of a national initiative called "Toward Zero Deaths," which promotes highway safety and its goal is to eliminate series injuries and deaths across the country. According to TZD, one person dies every 16 minutes in a traffic crash in the U.S.
I admit, I'm guilty of speeding in the last couple of months since there have been less cars, and I know I'm not the only one. Let's make it a point to slow down a bit to avoid a crash or getting a ticket.
MSP won't just be looking for speeders in cars but also truck drivers and busses.

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