Video: Do Northern Pike Bite Swimmers in Michigan?
Thanks, Steven Spielberg! To this day I can't jump into ANY body of water without momentarily wondering: "Is there a set of teeth waiting to chomp down on my torso lurking just below the surface of this water?". How about when you're already in the lake and a piece of seaweed touches your leg but you react like a starving crocodile is attempting to pull you into a death roll and bury your corpse in the muddy depths below?
Have You Ever Seen the Mouth on a Michigan Pike? It's Terrifying!
The average Northern Pike mouth will have anywhere from 300-700 razor-sharp teeth, with the bulk of those resting on the top part of the fish's mouth. These top teeth are responsible for ensuring that once they've latched on to a meal, they won't escape.
The more visible, and frankly frightening, canines of the Northern Pike are what make this animal appear so ferocious. Anything that comes between its jaws will be shredded should it try and pull away.
Northern Pike, Michigan's Most Patient Predator
Pike are famous for their ability to blend into their surroundings thanks to their coloring, while also staying nearly perfectly still. Waiting in the weeds of the Michigan waters, lurking in the shadow, waiting for unsuspecting prey to lazily swim by...that's when they strike like a bolt of lightning.
Will Pike Attack Swimmers in Michigan Lakes?
The chances of being bitten by a Pike while swimming are near zero, but it has happened before. Most serious Pike bites require stitches since the first instinct when bitten is to pull away, and with their razor-sharp teeth, skin rips, and tears easily. When swimmers have been bitten, they have somehow either lured the predator in intentionally or were doing something to look like prey.
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Those who are bitten most often are those who are hunting the hunters: Fishers. Pike are known for being somewhat docile while you're reeling them in and then, once you reach into the water to pull them up by the gills, they thrash and bite. Here are 5 vicious Pike bites on sportsmen: WARNING BLOOD
Notice that in all 5 of the above bites, each fisher put their hand or digit directly in front of or next to the Pikes mouth. Don't do that.
Related: Three Michigan Lakes Dubbed 'Best in the US' for Fishing
If bitten by a Pike rinse immediately with clean water, pat dry, and thoroughly wash with soap and water. Be sure to seek the opinion of a medical professional should the wounds be serious.