COVID-19 Update From Kroger
Kroger sent out an email update today, stressing that their top priority is the safety of their associates and their customers. Stating that now, more than ever, it is important to take care of yourself.
In their stores they are disinfecting shopping carts, they have made the aisles one way for shopping, so less contact with other shoppers. Kroger has even taped off at the check out, every 6 feet, so that shoppers can keep to social distancing.
At my Kroger, they have even put up plastic shields at the checkout. But as the coronavirus continues to spread, stronger actions are being taken. Starting Sunday April 26th all Kroger associates will be given face masks to wear, if they are not already wearing them. This will now be mandatory at all Krogers.
Hopefully as we continue to flatten the curve, we will all be able to shop without our masks and gloves on. But right now it is a different world and we have to take all precautions to make sure we can stay healthy, safe and those we are around safe as well.