Classic CKLW Television Shows – Detroit, Michigan: 1950s-1960s
Back in CKLW-TV’s heyday, they had some of the best programming, especially for the kids. “Popeye Theater”, “Jingles The Clown”, “Bozo The Clown”, and cartoon shows kept kids glued to the sets every single afternoon, not just on weekends. We watched these shows on Channel 9...the reception was sometimes terrible (before cable ya know) but we tolerated it just to see our favorites.
“Popeye Theater” was hosted Monday through Friday by Captain Jolly (Toby David) and weekends by Poopdeck Paul (Paul Schultz). Toby passed away on September 14, 1994, Paul did the same in 2000.
“Jingles The Clown” was Jerry Booth, who lived in a mythical place called Boofland, where puppet characters – like Cecil B. Rabbit and Herkimer Dragon - were the village residents. Booth passed away in June 2017.
For the teenagers, there was “Top Ten Dance Party” in 1956 hosted by Bud Davies. Finally, in the 1960s, there was a great Rock ‘n Roll show, “Swingin’ Time” hosted by Robin Seymour. Later, the title was changed to “The Lively Spot”. Seymour not just played records a/la ‘American Bandstand’, but he brought in some of the hot & upcoming acts of the time: Bob Seger, many Motown artists like Marvin Gaye and the Four Tops, Amboy Dukes and many others. Seymour passed away on April 17, 2020.
For the older crowd there was “Bill Kennedy Showtime” hosted by b-lister Bill Kennedy, who used to act in films in the 40s and 50s. he was also the opening announcer on “The Adventures of Superman” (“Faster than a speeding bullet” etc.). Kennedy died on January 27, 1997.
CKLW-TV was based in Windsor, Ontario, Canada and gave Detroit TV fierce competition. The Mutual Broadcasting Company that operated CKLW radio was given a license for television in 1952. On September 16, 1954, CKLW-TV finally went on the air at 2:50 in the afternoon.
Some of CK’s radio personalities switched over to do TV, and the fun began.
The fun lasted until the 1970s. Now there is no Popeye Theater, Bozo, Jingles, Robin Seymour, or Bill Kennedy.
It is currently known as CBET-DT.
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