I know I'm not the only one that feels this way.

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I know I'm not the only one that gets frustrated and confused.

How is this safe?

Let's talk about what I affectionately like to call the Traffic Light of Confusion and Doom.

You see, there's this cluster of lights over by Edgewood Plaza. The cross streets are Cedar and Edgewood. Right there by Panera. Right there by Steak 'n Shake.

As you're leaving Edgewood and turning onto Cedar (heading north) you run into this monster.

Below is you in the turning lane.

McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing

And after you turn, let the guessing begin.

McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing

Because even at this close of an ANGLE, you can't make out what color is being displayed.

Again, how is this safe?

Even if you're standing at the corner, you can't make out what color it is.

McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing

The only way you know for sure is if it's red.

McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing


McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing

It's like there's special filter or lens or something. Why would they install a traffic light that you can't make out until you're right up on it or underneath it? Are we supposed to assume that if it isn't red it's green? Because trust me that's a dangerous game. Traffic coming from the right is most likely coming in off of I-96. And this area is busy as there is the Meijer, the new Panera, Steak 'n Shake, and Target a little further down on Edgewood.

I know I'm not the only one who's thought about this and been a little miffed at it.

Shouldn't they replace that?

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What's Up With That One Confusing Light At Cedar And Edgewood In Lansing?

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